Sunday, November 28, 2010


1. I enjoyed the book, but it got a little slow at times, especially when she would quote other peoples writings, so it was a little hard to get into.
2. I was happy about my book choice, I knew very little about Antarctica before this.
3. I liked the South Pole the best. I learned that there were two South Poles, one ceremonial and one actual.
4. Survival and research were the two basic themes of the book. When they were not researching, they were trying to stay warm.
5. I learned about all of the research that goes on down there, survival techniques, the history, and about the animals that inhabit Antarctica.
6. I liked learning about the fish with no hemoglobin in its blood and about how the huskies were removed from Antarctica.
7. The author would quote other people and tell about random bits of history, during that time I would become sightly uninterested in the book.

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