Tuesday, November 16, 2010


This is McMurdo station in Antarctica.

The Cape Roberts camp was the place where Sara, along with her party, went to investigate the late Cretaceous to mid-Cenozoic history of the Ross sea region. This camp was the heart of the cooperative projects ever conceived in Antarctica. To study the ice sheets there, they had to drill into offshore rock cores, which would yield millions of years of climate and tectonic change. The base on the edge of Terra Nova Bay is Campbell Ice Tongue. Hanging over it was Mount Melbourne, the 2,900 meter (9,514 ft) volcanic cone named by the explorer, Ross, after the British prime minister at the time.On the other side of Mount Melbourne was Edmondson Point, this was home to the huge Adelie penguin colony. Researchers would capture the birds, weigh them, measure their beaks, pass an infrared wand over it, then finally paint a number on its back before releasing it.

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