Friday, November 26, 2010


Huskies had been in Antarctica since 1945 even though they had not been used in support of scientific work since 1975. With the arrival of reliable snowmobiles, the dogs became even more obsolete and were retained there mainly for recreational purposes. Another argument for the exile of the huskies was that the dogs had passed on distemper to the seals, but more accurately, the dogs had grown accustomed to the seal chop, which was basically seal meat, and that was "inappropriate to the environmental aims of scientific organizations within the Antarctic." The owners of these dogs protested that they should be kept in because "you can't bond with a snowmobile" and they claimed that the huskies kept up their morale and made the Antarctic fell a little less lonely. Even with all of the protests, in 1991 the Antarctic Treaty nations that under the terms of the Environmental Protocol the huskies were to be "phased out" of Antarctica by April Fool's Day 1994.

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